This Zombie Regiment is composed of 20 plastic Mantic Zombies for my Undead Army. The unit is magnetized with 1/8″ x 1/32″ magnets that I embedded into a 1/8″. The movement tray is basswood with a piece of tin cut and glued to the top. Since this unit is all based on Mantic models I didn’t need to do any conversions or modifications to these miniatures, making them nice and easy to build as these mini’s are entirely hard plastic.
For the basing I painted the bases with Vallejo Model Color Burnt Umber as the base color. Then I applied some Mininatur Short Weed Tufts – Autumn (727-24 S) to the bases with super glue. Once that dried I applied 2.5mm Summer Mead. Green Grass, from Noch, to the remaining uncovered portions of the base. Finally I added a little bit of Super Leaf Scale Leaves (Fall Leaves) from Scenic Express.
I’m happy with how this unit turned out. I really enjoyed painting these because of the nature of the models having open wounds and exposed bones, sloppy painting is an advantage, not having to be as precise was pretty great. I’m not sure how I’ll feel about painting more of these as I have 80 more to go in this army.
Paint Used (In Order)
- Vallejo Surface Primer Grey
- Airbrushed Initial Prime Coat
- Vallejo Model Air Dead Flesh
- Airbrushed the skin color across the whole model
- Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown
- Base color of gore
- Various rotting parts of models
- Vallejo Model Color Khaki
- Rags / Loin Cloths
- Vallejo Model Color Hull Red
- Rags / Loin Cloths
- Vallejo Model Color Black Grey
- Rags / Loin Cloths
- Vallejo Model Color Black Grey
- Longer Hair models
- Vallejo Model Color Burnt Umber
- Patchy Hair models
- Model bases
- Vallejo Game Color Bonewhite
- Exposed bone/skull on all models
- Teeth
- Vallejo Model Color Black
- Eyes
- Army Painter Quickshade Ink Strong Tone
- Washed entire model with this